As the pandemic mostly impacts the activities we used to conduct on a regular basis, individuals began devising strategies to cope. We have started to adapt to changing circumstances and have altered our rules in order to continue operating efficiently. Due to the years lost to the pandemic, some governments have opted to relax restrictions. They gradually allow individuals to leave their houses for educational, work, necessary, and recreational needs. Despite this, the government maintains that safety will remain a significant concern in order to avert a catastrophic spread of the infection.
One of the most often requested needs, particularly while traveling, is documentation of a negative COVID test for travel results. In order to be tested, the medical sector has begun to extend and develop new methods. Naturally, this method is dependent on the patient’s convenience; the samples, testing site, and technique all differ. However, these processes are not dissimilar to those employed in hospitals and labs for diagnosis.
There are two kinds of tests: diagnostic and antibody. Diagnostic testing may determine whether you are infected with COVID-19 and should quarantine or separate yourself from others. Diagnostic studies such as molecular or PCR tests and rapid antigen tests may determine whether you have a current COVID-19 infection. Typically, diagnostic samples are taken using a nose or throat swab or spitting into a tube. In addition, antibody testing checks for antibodies generated by your immune system in response to the virus that causes COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2. Antibodies may develop many days or weeks after infection and may remain in your blood for several weeks or longer after recovery. Also, antibody tests usually are performed using blood obtained by a finger stick or blood collected by your doctor or other medical staff.
To know more below is an infographic from Harley Medic International and Official Rapid Tests entitled “Can I now travel to Europe with a vaccination card?”