Knock knees is a condition in which the knees touch when standing with the feet and ankles together. It is a common condition that often affects children, but can also occur in adults. Knock knees can be caused by a number of different factors, including the bones and joints involved, the most common being the bones of the lower leg. In some cases, knock knees may also be caused by a condition known as genu recurvatum, which is when the knees hyperextend.
Bones and joints involved in knock knees:
The bones involved in knock knees are the femur, tibia, and patella. The femur is the thigh bone, the tibia is the shin bone, and the patella is the kneecap. The joints involved are the knee joints, which are where the femur and tibia meet.
Most common causes of knock knees:
The most common cause of knock knees is a condition known as genu valgum, which is when the knees point inwards. The most common cause of knock knees is a condition called genu recurvatum, which is when the knee joint is not able to extend fully. This can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
-Tight muscles in the front of the thigh
-Tight muscles in the back of the calf
-Weak muscles in the front of the thigh
-Weak muscles in the back of the calf
-A deformity in the bones of the knee joint
-A dislocation of the knee joint
-Arthritis in the knee joint
-Injury to the knee joint
How knock knees can be treated with exercises:
There are a number of exercises that can be used to treat knock knees, including strengthening exercises, stretching exercises, and balance exercises. Strengthening exercises help to strengthen the muscles around the knee, which can help to stabilize the joint. Stretching exercises help to lengthen the muscles and tendons around the knee, which can help to reduce the amount of stress on the joint. Balance exercises help to improve balance and coordination, which can help to prevent falls and further injury.
How knock knees can be treated with surgery:
In some cases, surgery may be necessary to treat knock knees as per MyKnockKneeFix Surgery is typically only recommended when the condition is severe and other treatments have failed. Surgery involves realigning the bones and joints involved in knock knees. The risks and complications associated with surgery include infection, blood clots, and nerve damage.
Risks and complications associated with knock knees:
There are a few risks and complications associated with knock knees, including:
-Pain in the knees
-Swelling in the knees
-Arthritis in the knee joint
-Inability to fully extend the knee joint
In severe cases, knock knees can lead to difficulty walking and performing daily activities.
Knock knees is a common condition that can be caused by a number of different factors. It can be treated with a variety of different methods, including exercises and surgery. There are a number of risks and complications associated with the condition, but in most cases, it is a harmless condition.