A chronic headache, also known as Hemicrania Continua, is a rare condition. Despite being a rare condition, it could be treated with ease. Therefore, it would be imperative to diagnose the condition comprehensively to treat it properly. Numerous people suffering from this condition, mostly females, might wonder about determining the cause of the condition. However, it has not been determined. The major causes are excessive alcohol consumption and physical exertion. To treat chronic headache (วิธี แก้ อาการ ปวด หัว เรื้อรัง, which is a term in Thai), you should undergo a proper diagnosis. 

Diagnosing A Chronic Headache 

Often, chronic headaches would be misdiagnosed as chronic migraines. In such cases, you would not respond to the medication prescribed for the chronic migraine condition. Therefore, it would be in your best interest to undergo a proper diagnosis to seek instant and proper treatment for the condition. 

A majority of people suffering from chronic headaches would undergo unilateral pain. It implies that the pain would occur only on one side of the head. However, most patients suffer bilateral pain. It implies that along with the dull pain you feel all the time, you might also suffer sudden and sharp shooting pain. 

A Few Features Of Chronic Headache Have Been As Follows – 

  • Mild to moderate headaches experienced only on one side of the head or the face occurring continuously for at least three months 
  • Intense pain accompanied by migraine occurring frequently or numerous symptoms occurring together inclusive of drooping eyelids, nosebleed, nausea, irritated eyes, etc. 
  • Instant response to indomethacin treatment 

If you were suffering from the condition, you might experience caffeine, fatigue, or pressure applied to the neck might worsen the symptoms along with aggravate the pain. Let us delve into the several methods to treat chronic headache. 

Treating Chronic Headache 

Patients diagnosed with chronic headaches would be recommended a course of medicine known as indomethacin. Based on the severity of your condition, the dose would vary from 25mg to 300mg. You would also be given indomethacin along with medication for suppressing acid in your stomach. The problem of developing acid in the stomach could be a result of chronic headaches as well. A single dose of the medication would give you instant relief. 

To treat chronic headache, you might be prescribed other medications apart from indomethacin. However, it would be the case if you show any side effects to indomethacin. 

To Sum It Up 

If you suspect suffering from chronic headaches, consider visiting a doctor to seek a prescription for the best medication to deal with your specific condition.