As a parent, you want to do everything you can to help your child grow into an independent and well-adjusted adult. Though parent and child are dynamic individuals with their ideas, feelings, and opinions, the parent is often seen as responsible for guiding the child towards maturity while protecting them from harm. Parents have different styles of raising kids. Some parents believe in being strict and firm, while others give their children more leniency.

Authoritarian Parenting

This is one of the most strict and structured types of parenting. Parents who use this approach are often very strict, have high expectations, and may use coercion to achieve their desired results. This parenting style was common in the 1940s and 1950s and is still used by some parents today. This type of parenting is often characterized by having a set of rules and boundaries that are strict and not open to discussion. Authoritarian parents often believe they should be in charge and that their word is final. They dislike being questioned and are generally not very open to their child’s ideas. This type of parenting often results from the parents being too strict or not knowing how to deal with their child’s temperament.

Permissive Parenting

The parent who uses permissive parenting is often lenient with their child and avoids confrontation. They are generally very nurturing, have high expectations for their children, and have high hopes for their future. However, permissive parents often avoid conflict and rarely set boundaries for the child. They are usually very accepting of their child’s choices and are often non-judgmental. This type of parenting is characterized by being very accepting of a child’s preferences and having low expectations for them. Permissive parents often let their children get away with things they would not do if they were raised in a different household. This can lead to the child’s poor decision-making skills since they were not corrected or disciplined when they did something wrong.

Conscious Parenting

This is the method of parenting that is most ideal for raising children in a loving and nurturing environment. Parents who use this type of parenting are often balanced and aware of their child’s needs and wants. They set firm boundaries but allow their children room to explore and make mistakes. Conscious parents are usually very nurturing and open to their child’s ideas and feelings. This type of parenting is characterized by being very open to your child’s wants and needs. Conscious parents have firm boundaries but make room for their child’s ideas and feelings. They set rules but are also open to changing them if a child has a valid reason to ask for a change. Conscious parenting is often a result of a parent who is aware of their child’s needs and wants and can balance those out with what is best for the child.

Confrontational Parenting

This type of parenting involves very little nurturing and is often more of a “tough love” approach. Parents who use aggressive parenting are often very strict and firm but open to letting their children explore and make their own mistakes. Confrontational parents are often very receptive to their child’s ideas and are willing to correct them when they make a mistake. This type of parenting is characterized by being very strict and firm but also letting your child explore and make their own mistakes. Confrontational parents are often very open to their child’s ideas and are willing to correct them if they make a mistake. They tend to be very open to their child’s feelings but make it clear that they are in


All parents want the best for their children, but how they achieve that goal may vary. There is no one right way to parent, so it is important to be aware of your style and the effect it may have on your child. Parenting is a learning experience and something that we will likely do for the rest of our lives. We may find that our parenting style changes over time as our child grows and changes and as we gain more experience as a parent.